National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Neil Smith - 30 septembre 2021

First National day for truth and reconciliation which is a time of education, coming together and reading the calls to action. To build a united country that will grow and all will share in its wealth

Chief Cadmus Delorme of the Cowessess First Nation put it best; "We all inherited this, nobody today created residential schools, nobody today created the Indian Act, nobody today created the 60's scoop, we all inherited it and we have to acknowledge that people are healing and people are hurting! Let's do something about it."  

This is an important holiday for us to educate ourselves on and understand what happened in the past. When I was a history teacher, we were never taught our students about the residential schools nor was it in the books we used to teach our students. 

This is a day of learning. For the benefit of all our communities across our great country Canada, please take a minute to read "Delivering on Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action". It outlines how to move forward in a positive way while working together.

Source: Delivering on Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action ( @ 2021
Picture credits: Truth and Reconciliation Day Facebook Page